Connect to QuickBooks (New integration - App Market)
The QuickBooks App integration allows importing QuickBooks data from QuickBooks into vcita and from vcita back into QuickBooks. It is an excellent tool for keeping both apps in sync.
Important: Connecting with QuickBooks requires a vcita Business plan. Visit our pricing page to learn more.
Syncing QuickBooks
vcita lets you stay in sync with QuickBooks, even when you are using vcita exclusively to manage day-to-day tasks. You can configure your account to sync invoices and payments created in vcita (including existing invoices and payments already in vcita), as well as ongoing changes in your QuickBooks product catalog.
All invoices and payments synced to QuickBooks will be automatically matched to the relevant customer in QuickBooks. If we cannot find the relevant customer in QuickBooks, we will create a new one.
Important: Clients that don't have payments associated with them will not be synced.
Here are some key features:
- Import customers and items from QuickBooks to our platform
- Export existing Payments and Invoices from our platform to QuickBooks
- Enable ongoing sync of Payments and Paid invoices from vcita to QuickBooks
- Enable ongoing sync of all clients, Products, and Taxes associated with Payments and Paid Invoices from vcita
- Enable ongoing sync of all Products from QuickBooks to vcita
How to connect to QuickBooks in the App Market:
1. From a desktop or laptop computer, click on App Market in your vcita app
2. Select Install App
3. Select what you would like to sync by selecting the radio toggle next to that item.
The options available for continuous syncing are:
1. Paid invoice will create an invoice in QuickBooks.
- The invoice will include contact details, invoice dates, products and services, amounts, and notes on the invoice.
- Clients will be matched according to their email addresses. If the contact related to the invoice is not recognized in QuickBooks, we’ll create a new contact.
You will then have the option to select the details of what you would like to sync
- Existing invoices can be exported by clicking the first toggle. **This only applies to invoices marked as "paid" in vcita.
- Taxes will be matched to QuickBooks tax names. If you'd like us to create new taxes for vcita taxes that can't be found in QuickBooks, click the second toggle.
- If a product can't be matched in QuickBooks, create it as a new QuickBooks 'Product'. Products will be compared to QuickBooks item names. If you'd like us to create new products for vcita products that can't be found in QuickBooks, click the third toggle.
***Note - Refunds and cancellations of invoices will require updating both apps manually.
2. Payment will be created as a Payment in QuickBooks.
Existing payments can be exported by clicking this toggle.
- A payment will be created as a “Payment” in QuickBooks if it is attached to an invoice in vcita, and if the paid invoice is also synced with QuickBooks.
- A payment will be created as a “Sale receipt” in QuickBooks if it is not attached to an invoice in vcita, or if invoices are not synced with QuickBooks.
- Payment attached to an invoice in vcita will also be attached to the same invoice in QuickBooks.
- The payment method used will also be reflected in QuickBooks. If a payment method does not exist in QuickBooks, we'll create it.
- Clients will be matched according to their email addresses. If contact related to the payment is not recognized in QuickBooks, we'll create it.
- The “Deposit to” QuickBooks parameter will use a default value of “Undeposited Funds.”
3. Product created and updated in QuickBooks will create and update Product.
Item changes in QuickBooks will be reflected in vcita with this option.
Every product creation, deletion, and update in QuickBooks will be visible also in vcita. vcita’s product updates will contain changes to item names and prices.
NOTE: Deletion & updates of invoices & payments must occur on both apps.
4. Payment in QuickBooks will create a Payment. This toggle will allow payments made in QuickBooks to create a payment in vcita.
One-time import from QuickBooks to vcita
When you first connect the app, you can complete an import of existing entities and configurations from QuickBooks directly into your vcita account. This allows you complete a one-time import of your QuickBooks customers, custom fields, and items.
Please select the following toggles if you would like these actions to take place for the one-time import.
Customers in QuickBooks will be created as Clients.
The QuickBooks fields imported include first name, last name, address, email, primary phone number. The contact information is matched according to email address.
- If there is no matching email address, the contact will be imported as new.
- If a matching email address is found, any new contact fields values will be added to the client from QuickBooks.
We will override the other parameters if there are missing/ differences.
- Examples:
- If the phone number exists only in QuickBooks, we will add it to vcita.
- If the full name is different, we will prioritize the QuickBooks name.
2. Custom fields in QuickBooks will be created as Client Card Custom Fields.
Custom transaction fields existing in QuickBooks will be matched according to vcita Client Card custom fields. **Note - If we can't find a match, we'll create a new client card custom field in vcita.
3. Products in QuickBooks will be created as Products in vcita.
- Item fields from QuickBooks that can be imported are Product Name & Price.
- Items will be according to product name in QuickBooks and Product name in vcita.
- Note: Service & bundle items will not be imported.
4. Payments in Quickbooks will be created as Payments
Select this toggle if you would like to have your payments in QuickBooks sync one-time to vcita.
Once you have selected the options you would like to import, click the Connect button.
This will open a new tab, where you will enter in your QuickBooks login details.
You can use your Email or User ID and passwork, or you can sign in with Google.
You may received a prompt from QuickBooks to verify your identity.
You can receive a Text Code or an Email Code to verify your account or contact QuickBooks customer support for assistance.
Enter the code you receive.
Then QuickBooks will walk you through the final steps to create the sync.
You wil be redireceted to a while page that says {"data":"success","success":true}, then you will be redirected back to vcita and will see this screen:
Depending on the amount of data you are syncing, this process could take several hours to complete. Please check back after 3-4 hours. If you are not able to see the synced information at that time, please contact support.