Set up Automated Billing
With automated billing, you can collect your due and overdue payments easily by either sending an invoice or payment request to your clients at regular intervals. The invoice or payment request will aggregate all of the client's due payments such as payment requests for bookings, packages or products that have not been invoiced yet.
Enable auto-billing
1. You will find auto-billing settings under Settings > Payments > Automated Billings.
2. Click the Auto-billing toggle to enable the setting.
3. Choose an auto-billing option:
- Draft invoices: Create a draft invoice that will appear in the Billing & Invoicing section. This is ideal if you prefer to review the invoice before sending it.
- Send invoices: Immediately send the invoice at the scheduled intervals. This cuts down on the manual work involved in reviewing the drafts and approving them.
- Send payment links: Immediately send a payment link for the full amount at the scheduled intervals. No invoice is created.
4. Choose the billing cycle - you can bill Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. If the clients have no due payments that have not been invoiced at the time of billing, they will not receive a message.
5. Select the method that you want to use to notify your clients. Choose from Email, SMS, or both.
Draft invoices
Find draft invoices in the Billing & Invoicing section of your account. Use the Draft filter to show only drafts.
Click on the draft and select Edit to make changes. When you are ready to issue the invoice, just click on Approve Draft and a notification will be sent to the client based on your notification settings.
Client-Side Experience
At the designated time of billing, vcita will either create a draft, invoice, or payment request aggregating all open, not yet invoiced payments. Depending on the workflow you set up, you will either review the draft at this time and send it or the client will be immediately notified that they have an open balance to pay. Set up online payments so that clients will easily be able to pay you online.