My forms are pre-populating with a client's information
If you are seeing an existing client's information on your forms or when you add a new client, it's usually because the client fields were renamed using actual client data.
- Navigate to Settings > Client Card and Forms.
- In the Client Fields tab, you may already be able to see where the client information is:
Note: Keep in mind that the client card is where you set and name the list of client fields that each of your clients will have, and indicates to your clients what type of information they are supposed to enter. It is best to keep the names generic. If you are trying to create a new client, go to Clients and click New Client.
- Click on the client field to edit it. Rename the field something generic. In this case, we will rename it 'Email'.
- Click Save to save your changes.
- The form should now show the generic name of the field.