My Client Received a Notification for the Wrong Time
If your client received a notification with a wrong, or differing appointment time, it could be due to their time zone settings.
Time Zone Settings in the Client's Calendar
If the client's calendar is set to a different timezone, it may automatically adjust the appointment time of the vcita invite when adding the invitation to the calendar. Please verify that the client's personal calendar settings are accurate (examples from Gmail and Google Calendar).
Time Zone Settings in vcita
To check a client's time zone setting in vcita:
- Start in your vcita dashboard and navigate to Clients.
- Search for the client using the filters and click on them.
- The time zone information is located in the Info tab. You can change the time zone by clicking on the dropdown and choosing from the list.
How are time zones set in vcita?
vcita automatically assigns your client a timezone based on the geolocation settings of the device your client used to schedule with or contact you. Factors like the network that the device was on, or if the device was on a VPN (common in a business setting) can influence the location settings.
If the client was imported and no time zone was specified for the client during the import, the client will default to your business time zone.
Click here to learn how to import clients with time zone information.