Disconnect Your Calendar From vcita
- Start in your vcita account.
- Go to Settings > Staff (just Settings for non-admins).
- Click the ⋮ icon next to the staff member you want to sync the calendar to and click Edit Staff Settings>Advanced Settings
- Switch to the My Schedule tab.
- Click Edit Sync Preferences next to your synced calendar Note: If you have synced to Outlook it will say Outlook Calendar instead of Google Calendar.
6. Click on Disconnect
7. Click on Disconnect
8. Close the window by clicking on the X on the top right-hand corner
Even though vcita will stop pulling events and busy time from your calendar, you may still get appointment calendar events sent to your email. This means bookings may still be added to your personal calendar. If you would no longer like to get appointments and events from vcita, you can turn off your business email templates.