Create an Estimate or Quote
With vcita, you can create estimates and send them to your clients for approval. Unlike invoices, estimates must be approved by the client prior to payment. Once approved, you can convert the estimate into an invoice. Estimates can be reviewed online. You can also build in notifications and reminders.
Creating an Estimate
To create a new estimate:
- Start in your vcita dashboard and navigate to Payments > Estimates.
- Click the New button at the top of the page and select Estimate from the dropdown.
- The client picker will appear. Select the client you need to send the estimate to (add a new client if needed).
- The estimate builder will appear.
- When you are done customizing your estimate, click Save Draft or Send to send it right away.
Customizing Your Estimate
Your estimate will always include your business logo, name, and address as configured in your branding settings.
Customize the following:
- Business address: This will be prepopulated with your account business address. Click Edit to alter it.
- Estimate Label: The label which appears at the top of the invoice. You can change it to quote, for example.
- Currency: Currency will default to your account currency, but you can issue an estimate in a different currency if needed.
- Estimate Number: This counter automatically increments. Keep in mind that two estimates may not have the same number.
- Purchase Order: Optionally, use this to reference a shipping or purchase order.
- Issue Date: The date on which the invoice was issued. You can backdate it.
- Due Date: The date by which the estimate must be approved or rejected. vcita can send reminders to help ensure that estimated are reviewed on time.
- Item List: This is the itemized section of the estimate. Add the products and services your client is being billed for.
- Terms and Notes: Add personalized notes to the client.
- Terms and Conditions: Your business terms and conditions, defined in your online payment settings.
The grand total is automatically calculated, taking into account any taxes and discounts.