How to Charge and Store Credit Cards on File
Save a credit card on file to quickly process routine charges and make the checkout process speedier for clients! Cards can be saved in the client card on the back end - or, clients can save cards on file whenever they are making a payment online (Stripe only).
Save a credit card on file in the Client Card
To save a card on file in the Client Card for future use, please do the following:
- Start in your account and go to your Clients list.
- Choose the client from the list.
- In the pane on the right-hand side, expand Saved credit/debit cards and click Add Card.
- Enter the credit card details in the popup.
- When finished, click on Add
Charge a credit card on file
Taking a credit card over the phone or at the point of sale (POS) is a convenient alternative to online payment. You can directly charge a card for any payment request and even save the card for future use.
- Find open payments in your Payments dashboard or in the Payments tab of the client card. Click on the payment request in the platform.
- Under Pending, click on Take Payment and select the Charge option.
- Select a previously saved card or enter the credit card number, CVV, and zip code.
- If you would like to save the card on file for future use, check the Save this card checkbox.
- Click on Charge.
- After the charge has been made successfully, click on Done
Going forward, you can select any card saved on file to process a charge.
Tip: A charge does not have to be linked to a booking. To make a general charge, navigate to the client card or the Payments section and select New > Charge.
Set a Default Card on file
You can save up to 3 credit cards per client.
To set a default card on file for the client, please do the following:
- On the relevant client card, expand the Saved credit/debit cards section on the right-hand panel.
- Click on ⋮ next to the desired card.
- Select Set as default from the dropdown.
The default card will be auto-selected for charges during client checkout.
The Client Checkout Experience
The client must be logged in to use saved cards.
Clients can save a card on file during checkout if you have Stripe connected:
Clients can choose from the saved cards at checkout to speed up the payment process.
The video below shows the client's experience when they have a credit card on file. The option to use a different card during checkout is also available.
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