Change the text on the pop-up widget
Note: Changes made to your widgets in your vcita account are automatically applied to all your published widgets - no need to reinstall the widget on your website.
You can completely customize the text on the popup widget on your website from right within your vcita account.
- Start in Online Presence > Website Widgets.
- Click on the Edit/View button in the Client Portal Widget section.
Invite Tab
To change the Invite tab text:
- Expand the Portal Invite section
- Change the Label Text
- Click the Done button at the top of the editor to save your changes.
Main Call to Action Button
To change the main button text:
- Expand the Portal Invite section
- Change the Main Action text
- Click the Done button at the top of the editor to save your changes.
Action Buttons
To change the action button text:
- Expand the Portal Actions section
- Under each button, edit the Text field
- Click the Done button at the top of the editor to save your changes.
Click here for the full guide to editing your client portal widget.
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