Creating and Sending Invoices and Estimates
In this article you’ll learn how to issue easy-to-use, professional-looking invoices and estimates to your clients, making sure you secure more business and get paid faster.
Invoice & estimate settings
Follow these steps to set the basic information you want to display on all your Invoices and Estimates:
Step 1: Go to Settings > Payments, and click on the Invoices & Estimates tab.
Step 2: Fill out your Billing Address & Business Info
Note on Business Info: Your business billing address is added to the header of all invoices and estimates. The default info displayed is taken from your Business Info Settings.
To change your official business info go to Settings > Business Info
Step 3: Scroll down to Invoice terms & conditions and specify the payment Due Date for your invoices, and enter the Terms & Conditions you want clients to see when they receive your estimate and invoices.
See the image below for sample settings of business information and terms & conditions:
Invoices & estimates templates
The app offers pre-made templates businesses can use to enhance the look and feel of their invoices and estimates. On the Settings>Payments page, go to the 'Templates' tab.
Choose a layout from the following option will be your default:
- Classic - The standard layout design includes your business logo and theme color of your choice (default is your brand color)
- Styled - An enhanced layout with a cover image to make a long-lasting impression on your clients.
- Letter (US) - a US standard letter template designated for printing and sending via single window envelopes.
Customize your template
For each template, you'll be able to choose the brand color and your business logo design and size. You'll need to choose a cover image from the app gallery or upload your own for the styled layout.
Creating new invoices & estimates
You can easily create a new estimate or invoice wherever you see the New button within the system.
Just click New from anywhere in the system, and select either Estimate or Invoice. For example from your Inbox page, Payments page, or directly from a Client Card.
Before saving or sending your invoice or estimate, follow the section below to learn how to customize each invoice or estimate.
Customizing invoices & estimates
Customize any of the defaults as needed:
- Billing address and billing info
- Invoice Label: The title that will appear at the top. The default for Invoice is “Invoice” and the default for Estimate is “Estimate”.
- Currency: This will take on the default currency for the account.
- Invoice/Estimate Number: Invoice/Estimate numbers are updated automatically so you don’t have to keep track! The first invoice will be automatically assigned the number 0000001, and each new invoice will go up by one.
- Issue Date / Due Date: The issue date is usually the day you created the invoice, but you can backdate it if you need to. Set the due date of the invoice as well.
- Items List: The items list of an estimate/invoice is where you’ll list out the services or products your client is paying for. You can also apply taxes and discounts here. See below for more info.
Adding items
Step 1: Scroll down to the items section on your invoice or estimate.
Step 2: Click on Please select an item to view and pick from your item list.
You’ll notice that the list comes prefilled with the menu of services that you offer and their prices.
Learn how to create a custom item in the section below.
Step 3: Once you have selected a service, you can click on the pencil icon next to the service to modify the quantity of products or services or add taxes or discounts.
Creating custom items
Follow these steps to create a new custom item that does not already exist in your list of services or items.
Step 1: Click on the box that says please select an item and choose Add custom item
Step 2: In the New Item popup box, name the custom item and attach a price to it. You can also modify the quantity, add a description and add taxes or discounts at this point.
Step 3: Select this item to your list for future use, if you want to be able to use this item in the future.
Step 4: Click Add to add the item to the invoice
Editing items
Added an item by mistake? Need to add a 15% discount? Just click the pencil icon next to the line item to edit, or you can select the trash can icon next to the line item to delete the item.
Under Terms & notes - Use the Note to client field if you want to add a personalized note to the invoice, as shown here:
You can also check Allow client to pay online if you would like your clients to have the option of paying online.
Estimates deposit request
When creating an estimate, you can add a deposit request requiring your clients to pay before the service/products are provided.
Click on "Request a deposit" below the total amount to open the deposit request. You can set your deposit to be one of the following options:
- Percentage: Based on the total amount of the estimate. You'll also be able to round up the amount on this option.
- Set price: Set the deposit's worth according to your business currency.
There are two ways to collect deposits:
- Recording a payment or charging your clients from the Back office. You can go to the estimate page and click "Take payment". To charge a card or record a payment.
- Online - If you are connected to a payment gateway, your clients will be required to pay the deposit online to complete the estimate's approval. You can also check the "Disable online payments for this deposit" to have it paid in person.
Terms, Notes, Signature and more
Terms: You can edit your default terms and adjust them per a specific invoice or estimate.
Notes: Use the Note to client field if you want to add a personalized message to the Invoice, as shown here:
For Estimates only:
- Signature: To require clients to electronically sign on an estimate to approve it, check to 'Client signature is required.'
For Invoices only:
- Allow a client to pay online: If you would like your clients to have the option of paying online.
- Allow a client to pay a partial amount if you would like your clients to be able to pay in installments.
Save or send your estimate & invoice
Once you’re satisfied with the way your estimate/invoice looks, you can either save the invoice as a Save as Draft, or Send it to the client and additional recipients.
This is how your clients will see your invoices and estimates:
Updating invoices & estimates after sending
If you find a mistake or something you want to change, you can still edit an estimate even after you sent it.
To update an existing invoice, go to Payments > Invoices & Bookings, use the right-hand filter to select your invoice, and select Edit from the follow-up actions.
To update an existing estimate, go to Payments > Estimates, use the right-hand filter to select your estimate, and select Edit from the follow-up actions.