How to Utilize the Mobile App
If you are constantly on the move, be sure to take advantage of downloading the app, available on Android and iPhone mobile devices. Once you have successfully downloaded the app, here is a list of functions you can utilize within the mobile app dashboard:
- New Appointment
- Accept Payment
- Send Invoice
- Send Message
- Create Campaign
- Client Notes
Tapping on the sandwich icon found in the bottom right corner will open the side panel where you can navigate to all the different sections of your app. However, please note that you will not have any access to the account Settings through the mobile app. Settings can only be adjusted on the desktop version of the app.
How to Navigate in the Calendar
For multi-staff accounts, you can view all the staff appointments on your Calendar, just like if you were on the desktop version. To do this, tap the Calendar icon from the menu bar. From the Calendar tap the settings icon on the top right of the screen.
Once you click on the settings button, you will have the option to view just your calendar or an individual staff member's calendar, or you can select the entire staff's calendars by checking and unchecking the boxes.
How to create a new invoice or estimate through the Mobile App:
To create a new invoice or estimate, click on Home and then select the "Send invoice" button, which will provide you with these two options: New invoice or New Estimate.