View Your Received Payments
You will find all the payments you have received and recorded on the Payments Received page. Start in your dashboard and click on Payments > Payments Received to get started.
You will find your payment summary at the top of the page.
Click on any summary block to filter out the relevant invoices and bookings.
Sorting Payments
Click the Sort By field and choose from:
- Payment date
- Client first name
- Client last name.
Filtering Payments
The filtering options are in a separate collapsible pane on the right side (if you can't see the pane, it is probably collapsed. Click the blue arrow tab).
Multiple filters may be applied and only results that fulfill all the filter requirements will appear.
To filter the list:
Use the dropdowns to apply filters. You can filter by the following criteria:
- Client name: View a single client's payments.
- Status: Select a status or set of statuses by clicking on multiple items.
- Payments: Filter out payments based on whether the payment was made online or recorded offline.
- By Payment Date: Filter out payments made within a certain date range.
- Unassigned payments: Filter out payments that are not assigned to an activity.
Click Clear Selection to remove your filters.
Download and Print
Select a payment or multiple payments from the list to download the payment receipts. You can then open the files and print.
You are able to download a full payments report as a csv or excel spreadsheet.